Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Discomfort of constipation in pregnancy can be reduced before hemorrhoids

What is constipation?

Constipation is not pleasant at any time, but during pregnancy, it can be even more unpleasant and uncomfortable, and if not avoided could result in painful hemorrhoids. So you have to take a few steps to avoid constipation your pregnancy should be much more pleasant.

Is their a link between pregnancy and constipation?

Constipation is often shown by having the rare and difficult bowel movement with hard chairs and often redeployment because of a feeling of dissatisfaction evacuation. It is a common problem during pregnancy, especially in the later stages.

Constipation can directly cause and aggravate existing hemorrhoids and anal fissures from heavy straining tries to pass a hard bowel movement. There is evidence that constipation is more likely in later pregnancy. This is due in part at least, because of the many physiological changes that occur during or associated with pregnancy.

Factors which may contribute to constipation occurs during pregnancy.

1. consumers.

This results from a lower liquid intake associated with feelings of nausea and vomiting, and increased use of pre and post the mother tongue of vitamin supplements. Some prenatal supplements contain high levels of iron, which can have a major role in causing constipation. If you suffer from constipation may be your doctor offer a prenatal containing smaller iron or suggest stops taking prenatal tilt your constipation is under control.

Procurement of drugs as the blood pressure control, antidepressant, pain, antacids and surprising laxatives can also contribute to constipation.

2. Behavioral.

This comes from the Stress associated with pregnancy and accompanied by reduced physical activity

During pregnancy, there are many changes in the body, such as changes in hormonal levels, eg progesterone, as relaxing the bowels of muscles and cause your digestive system tracks to work more slowly to allow your body to absorb nutrients from your food to your baby.

In addition, the Uterus becomes larger and athlete area digestive tract provides the intestines less room to work.
The pregnant Woman may even already have hemorrhoids, which can be more painful during pregnancy.

How can you minimize the discomfort of constipation during pregnancy?

Here are some ways that can help you minimize constipation through your pregnancy.

1. Fiber.

Be sure to include lots of fiber in your diet. Fiber absorbs water and can help to soften your chairs and expedite their passage. Eat plenty of high fiber foods like whole grain cereals and oatmeal. Instead of eating white bread with your sandwich, eating whole grain household electronics. Add some oat bran to your cereal or yogurt. Pregnant women should be aware of to exhaust large amounts of bran can sometimes give rise to abdominal bloating and intestinal air.

As with any changes in diet, it is advisable to start on a gradual increase in the amount of fiber to alleviate these symptoms.

2. Liquids.

It is important to increase fluid intake when you increase your fiber intake. Your body needs water to absorb the fiber otherwise can lead to worse constipation.

Liquids help food move through the digestive system, and it is very important for you to drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Keep with your fluids is important, especially if you are increasing your intake of fiber. Also, drink plenty of fluids will help you combat constipation.

3. Adjustments to the cost

Fresh fruit is an excellent way to add your fibre levels. Fruit such as Melon and yolks contain a high amount of fiber. High-fibre can also be found in dried fruits such as figs, raisins, apricots and prunes. Prunes are a known source of fiber and prunes and prune juice, in particular, has been well used for their laxative effect. It is recommended that you try to consume at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day. It is easy to tell if you are including enough fiber in your diet, which is generally your chairs will be large and soft and you do not want conversion courses to pass them, it is important to remember to eat too much fiber can actually lead to diarrhea, which in turn results in dehydration, so it is important not to exceed the recommended levels of fiber in your diet.

Yogurt is an excellent addition to your pregnancy diet, if you can. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria known as acidophilus which stimulates intestinal bacteria, which combines to break down food in the intestine.

During pregnancy it is generally recommended that you avoid foods that can lead to constipation. This means reducing the consumption of food, such as mass produced white bread and white rice while some marks cereal products such as corn flakes and even bananas can lead to constipation.

It is important to keep your bowel movements as normal as possible, and go to the toilet quickly if the need arises. Establishing a regular toilet routine of bowel movements, for example, after Breakfast suggested. Use of a footstool in the toilet will not only provide support but would also decrease conversion courses because the post body is more natural.

It is also important to maintain an active fit body then take regular but not too strenuous exercise also helps ensure more regular bowel movements and easier.

However, if all the above fails, your doctor should be able to prescribe some medication for you to take in order to keep you regular. In General, you should avoid all laxatives, unless your health professionals recommend a.

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