Friday, November 4, 2011

Pregnancy-up and of (part two)

In part 1 of this article, we covered some of up of pregnancy and one down. It is now time to discuss more about the more unpleasant part of pregnancy.We must talk about the other discomfort problems while pregnant.

Next on the list would be back pains. Additional pregnancy develops, so do back pains. Almost half of all pregnant women experiencing these kinds of pain. The pain is usually traced back disorders and usually have a tendency to get worse as the pregnancy progresses. The reason for back pain is present at a pregnant woman is due to her weight gain and the baby's weight. These two factors tend to put a large amount of stress a woman's back.Another motive for these kind of pain is hormones. Usually has one kind of hormone called relaxin, role in order to soften up muscles for labour. When this happens, on pregnant women, you'll see pain, because the back does not receive the same support it used to.

Things to do in cases like this is to either wear a belt around the abdomen, if you want to relieve stress on your back, sleeping with your knee elevated or simply take a swim, so your extra weight can be carried by water and therefor the back replaced by any pressure.Unfortunately, there are cases when the back pain is accompanied by weakness in the legs or pins, the best thing to do to see a doctor. Nervous in the back can then be affected.

Another down to become pregnant are suffering from hemorrhoids. Nearly a third of the women who are pregnant women experience this. Hemorrhoids are displayed due to weak circulation of blood in the lower extremities. They can be found in the area around the rectum, is very itchy and typically causes pain or bleeding. A woman can face this terrible problem in her third trimester of pregnancy.

If you're one of the women suffer from hemorrhoids, is the thing to do treat them with backup of soda water. One must only use this on hemorrhoids. This problem usually goes away after the birth, so you don't have to be very concerned. But just to be sure, try drinking plenty of water and eat fiber, in order to avoid constipation, as do hemorrhoids worse. But as statistics show it, constipation, unfortunately, is one of the top discomforts in pregnant women.

This problem is the cause of the digestive system, which has a tendency to move too slowly. The two pregnancy hormones that make this problem happen is estrogen and progesterone. The slower movement of food, which means that aliments stay longer in your stomach a casings, making it harder for women to use the bathroom. As I have said before, add fibres and plenty of water to the pregnant woman's diet can alleviate the problem. Makes a lot of exercise is also very beneficial. If the pain tends to be worse, you should see a doctor right away.

Two of the other discomforts, that can happen is indigestion or heartburn. Indigestion is usually done in the later stages of pregnancy. The reason for this is the pressure applied to the uterus. To avoid these problems, as much as possible the soon to be mother should eat smaller meals more frequently.

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