Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Cure Hemorrhoids From Your Pregnancy

What a precious moment it is when a woman finds out that she is pregnant for the very first time. She has so much to look forward while her belly grows, including a healthy baby when it is all over and done with.

However, before that bun is done in the oven, the new mommy-to-be may go through some temporary changes; other than the typical mood swings and swollen tummy and legs; perhaps her size 6 feet and ankles will take on another look as her pregnancy progresses. Ahhh, the price we pay to bring children into this world.

A woman's body goes through so much in order to become a mother. Its an ordeal that only females can appreciate, endure and survive, coming away elated with the results of her labor and efforts; after all, we keep reproducing like it's a piece of cake, despite the pains of childbirth, and yes; despite the flare ups of hemorrhoids that can also attack a new mommy-to-be, before and after the birth of her child.

If you are a new mom, you just may be experiencing embarrassing and painful hemorrhoids for the very first time. It is a little upsetting and perhaps a bit unnerving, especially when you can no longer see your feet, and it hurts way too much to go to the bathroom.

You may be wondering why this is happening. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are quite common, and the condition is temporary, thank God! You will not have them for the rest of your life.

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than varicose veins in the rectum, just like the varicose veins that have suddenly popped up on your legs, all because of the weight of the "joy package" that you are carrying around.

These varicose veins develop in or on your bottom as a result of the growing fetus as it puts pressure on your pelvic veins; hemorrhoids can also appear during labor, in case you missed out on the flare-ups during the pregnancy. Of course, hemorrhoids at this stage of the game appears because of your pushing as the baby makes his or her way through the birth canal, getting ready for that big entrance. Hemorrhoids come because of "straining" as in child birth and constipation, which is yet another side affect of being pregnant.

You can not do anything about the hemorrhoid condition associated with the birthing process; however, you can do something about that constipation by eating food high in fiber, and drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.

When you feel the urge to go to the bathroom; do not delay that action, for this too causes one to become constipated. Another tip, the less amount of time you spend sitting on the toilet is better for you and your derriere'. In other words, you don't want to read a novel in there, or write a book while you are in the ladies room. Get in and get out, or you can possibly pay the consequence dallying too long.

How would a pregnant lady treat her temporary hemorrhoids? The answer to that is simple: You need to put something cold on the sore spot, or you can relax in a warm bath; sitting in a soothing sitz tub is nice and gives fast and safe results that will not harm you or your baby; after all, though there are over the counter medications for hemorrhoid sufferers, for a new mom-to-be you will have to watch what you put your baby through, staying away from side effects that could be damaging to your pregnancy because of some pharmaceutical medications.

Larry S. Lee is a popular reviewer of hemorrhoid cures. He is considered an established expert within the realm of natural medical cures.

Grab the Secret Hemorrhoid Cure report valued at $39.99 absolutely FREE here: Natural Hemorrhoid Cure System. This system has been reviewed and highly recommended by Larry.

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