Friday, November 4, 2011

Pregnancy-enjoy your third Trimester

The third trimester is the last stage of your pregnancy. This begins at the 28th week and lasts until you give birth to your most awaited baby. As an expectant mother, increasing tension and expectation is that you feel should be very apparent because the journey is to terminate the pregnancy. You want even time to pass quickly, so you can already see and touch your new baby. But before your due date, you are likely to experience third trimester discomforts that might be more difficult than the discomforts that you experienced during the first and second trimesters. Here are some of the discomforts, you can expect and their possible solutions to help you find relief from:

Shortness of breath

You may experience shortness of breath in late pregnancy, because the diaphragm being pushed out of its normal location by your expanding uterus. This broad muscle below the lungs increases about 4 centimeters from its original position in the third quarter. You might think that this only makes a small difference, but this is enough to reduce the amount of air, your Lungs are able to accommodate. Even if your child is not affected by this, you still need to find relief from this discomfort.

An effective solution is to improve your posture. You can do this by standing or sitting with your back straight and your shoulders back. Take note of the fact that a good position is not only beneficial during pregnancy but also after birth. Another solution is to do some aerobic exercises, which is recommended for pregnant women. These exercises can help improve breathing and slow your pulse rate. And finally, you can avoid shortness of breath when lying on your side or hidden in pillows when you sleep. This will reduce the pressure on your diaphragm.
Sleeping Problem

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you will feel more restless, so you will find it difficult to sleep. A lot of factors can cause this sleeping discomfort such as the increasing size of your abdomen, distress or natural anticipation and frequent urination at night and early morning. Although the problem sleeping can be quite troublesome for you, it is not necessary for you to worry about the damage the child within you.

As a solution, you can change your sleeping position. If you are used to lie on your back, perhaps you and lie on your side while sleeping because this will take the pressure from the great spirit, which carries blood from your feet and legs back to the heart. You can also try to use a pillow to support your growing abdomen and another to support your upper legs. Leaning against a rolled up carpet or fluorescent up pillow can also help reduce the pressure from the hip as you are on. If these solutions are not enough, make the relaxation exercises that you have learned into your childbirth classes. These exercises can help you get a proper sleep and calm your mind to handle anxiety well.


If you notice, swollen pouches which are formed beneath the mucous membrane, outside or inside the rectum, there is no need to worry because these hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not be aware that you have them until you felt itching and pain in and around your anus. But if you were pregnant before and knew that you have them, you can do something to prevent these hemorrhoids, makes you feel uncomfortable.

A preventive measure is to avoid constipation. You should eat foods, vegetables and fruit, which are rich in fiber. You should also drink the appropriate amount of liquid, so that you do not want to strain during bowel movement. And if you already are experiencing the discomfort brought by these hemorrhoids, try these solutions:

o Sample hot soaks. These are effectively provide soothing relief by allowing hemorrhoids decrease.

o Keep the area around your anus clean. Make sure you wash the area after every bowel movement.

o apply a cold Compress. This can also help shrink hemorrhoids.

Shortness of breath, sleeping problem and hemorrhoid is joint third trimester discomforts during pregnancy. But apart from these, you can also see other minor discomforts such as hip pain, vaginal pain, itching of the abdomen, including veins, Stretch marks and leaking urine. These discomforts are normal in late pregnancy, so it is not necessary for you to worry. And besides, if you are experiencing them, there are solutions to give you relief.

For more information about pregnancy and natural childbirth, please visit:

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