Saturday, November 5, 2011

What causes hemorrhoids? An Ounce of prevention can be better than a pound of cure

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids is a painful and even a little embarrassing condition where the veins in the Rectal opening stretch under pressure and lead to an inflamed or swollen condition. In order to know what causes hemorrhoids, can these swollen veins result from increased pressure in the lower part of the rectum. There could be many factors that can cause hemorrhoids. There are various theories about what causes hemorrhoids.

Causes of hemorrhoids

What causes hemorrhoids, conversion courses during bowel movements. What causes hemorrhoids could also sit for long periods on the toilet. Also sometimes, chronic diarrhea, constipation can be or what causes hemorrhoids. Other causes could include obesity, pregnancy, or anal sexual intercourse. You can also inherit the tendency to develop hemorrhoids. What causes hemorrhoids could be that when you get older as the tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anus area becomes weak and start stretching due to aging. Insufficient intake of fibre is also related to what causes hemorrhoids. If there are tumours present in the basin, this can also cause hemorrhoids, as the pressure on the veins that drain upwards from the anal canal.

Age and hemorrhoids

What causes hemorrhoids can also cut machine strength of hard stools, which passes through anal canal leads to a drag of the hemorrhoidal cushions in the downward direction. Age may be a factor to what causes hemorrhoids, as the supporting tissue that helps anchor the hemorrhoids to the anal canal muscles during it, becomes weak and degraded. This year, tissue loses its hold and slide down the anal canal.

Pressure in an anal sphincter

What causes hemorrhoids, could also be that there is an elevated pressure in the anal sphincter. This anal sphincter is the muscles, which are found around the anal canal and hemorrhoids. Anal sphincter is very important as it helps to control bowel movements. But it is not yet certain whether this condition comes before the enlarged hemorrhoids or has the effect of it.

During bowel movements, is more power necessary to compel chairs through the tighter sphincter. This force can pull the hemorrhoids in a downward direction and create inflammation. Normally fills the tissues inside the anus with blood in order to control the chairs. But when a virus strains and then tissue swells and this could answer what causes hemorrhoids.

Diarrhea and constipation

The above two conditions lead to conversion courses while passing stools and this can increase the pressure on the veins in the area of the anal canal leading to answer what causes hemorrhoids.


What causes hemorrhoids could also during the last six months of pregnancy. Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy and this leads to increase blood flow to the hip. This helps to relax the supportive tissues, but the growing frugtsommelighed can lead to greater pressure on blood vessels. There is an increased pressure in the field of pelvic cavities blood vessels in this period. Delivery can also aggravate the condition, as the conversion courses needed to push baby and answers the question what causes hemorrhoids. If a person is overweight, it is possible that this excess weight, especially in the abdomen and pelvis can increase pressure on the pelvic cavities veins leading to what causes hemorrhoids.

Medical conditions

If a person suffering from other medical conditions, it could lead to what causes hemorrhoids. It is possible that the long term liver or heart disease can cause a blood pool in the abdomen and pelvic hollow area. This could lead to enlargement of veins. Prolonged sitting or standing, as well as heavy lifting can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Thus, we see that is what causes hemorrhoids have more facts, which can easily be dealt with in the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Click here If you are looking For some Relief!

For information about how to prevent hemorrhoids go to:

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