Friday, October 28, 2011

Get Organized For Baby

One Year to an Organized Life With Baby Review

Organized and baby in the same sentence was a totally foreign concept to me.? I had my first baby and I just muddled through my home made to-do list.? When I had my second baby it was a bit more of a smooth process, but I would have given my right arm for a handy set of check lists and hints like the ones found in One Year to An Organized Life with Baby.

Regina Leeds and Meagan Francis do a great job of holding your hand and walking you through your entire pregnancy and into the first year of baby's life in a very calm and organized fashion.


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External Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Many people believe that the cause of hemorrhoids is the pregnancy. It means that women have higher risk to be suffered from this kind of sickness than men do. Besides, the hemorrhoids also caused by the way we eat or what are we consume every day, lifting or pulling up heavy things, etc.

Of course this is disturbing, because it can disturb us in doing our daily activities. Hemorrhoids have two main types. The first one is the internal hemorrhoids; this is the hemorrhoids that are still inside the canal. The symptom of this kind of hemorrhoids is not really painful as the external one. Yes and the second type of hemorrhoids are the external hemorrhoids. This type of hemorrhoids usually really makes the sufferers feel painful. If it is getting worse, usually the pain will be followed by the bleeding. Not a terrible bleeding, but this will make the sufferer feel sick. Moreover, the external hemorrhoids during pregnancy will torture the sufferers with more pain.

Well, actually, to recognize the hemorrhoids symptoms is quite easy. It can be recognized by the pain felt at the anal when it is opened. For the pregnant women, they will feel the pain more than usual because it is affected also by the pressure of that pregnancy. External hemorrhoids during pregnancy often claimed as a risky sickness to have for the pregnant women.

However, the risk of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be reduced by treatment. The treatment can be through medicines or cream, etc.

Thanks for reading my article. There are many kinds of hemorrhoids problems, and you can read and learn more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy or hemorrhoids treatment from other sources around the internet.

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Tips Membeli Rumah Lama

Apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan jika kita hendak membeli rumah lama?

Terima kasih buat ibu DRS, IT, AN, YN yang sudah membantu membuat list kalau kita membeli rumah lama [Ly]
Tips apa saja yang harus di cek ketika membeli rumah lama:

- Status Legal Rumah (Hak Milik?)
- Luas tanah / bangunan
- Apakah rumah dalam sengketa ?
- Jarak lokasi ke kantor
- Jarak lokasi ke sekolah anak
- Jarak ke warung / pertokoan terdekat, RS, Pasar
- Berapa luas kamar-kamar
- Bagaimana situasi tetangga terdekat ; kiri kanan depan
- Airnya pam apa sumur? Bagus atau tidak? Bagaimana rasanya?
- Listrik berapa watt?
- Saluran air gimana, pembuangan air? Pembuangan WC?
- Biaya bulanan RT berapa
- Banjir apa tidak..(tanya ke tetangga)
- Keamanan
- Pembuangan sampah bagaimana
- Bangunan terutama kayu-kayunya bebas rayap
- Pencahayaan bagaimana, ada ruang yang lembab?
- Apakah perlu renovasi sedikit/total : anggaran menyesuaikan
- Cek listrik dari atas atau bawah, berapa watt-nya. Biar ketika masuk sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan
- Jalanan muat mobil tidak (kalau ada apa-apa, ambulance, pemadam kebakaran.
- Ventilasi udara di dalam rumah sejuk atau malah panas?
- Surat PBB terakhir.
- Tagihan Listrik dan Telepon beres tidak?
- Berapa lama umur bangunan/rumah
- Cek loteng, lihat kekuatan kuda-kuda
- Cek tembok, berjamur apa tidak
- Alasan pindah
- Cek keadaan sekitar pada malam hari, apakah ramai? sepi?

10-01-2006 22:35:42

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The Only Safe Way to Cure Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

If you have ever experienced a hemorrhoid you know how painful and uncomfortable they can be. During pregnancy it is even worse because of the extra blood flow, and the baby pushing down on your pelvic region. Many women worry about using topical creams because of the warning label about consulting a doctor before use...must mean there is something in it that is questionable during pregnancy, right?!?!

There are ways you can cure your hemorrhoids for good, even during pregnancy, and not have to worry about any side effects or causing harm to your unborn baby.

What is a hemorrhoid?

Swelling of the veins in the rectum and anus. The veins will bulge and usually bleed, and makes going to the bathroom extremely uncomfortable.

According to Earth Clinic, 50-85% of the population will be affected by them at some point in their lives, and 10-15% of those who suffer from them, will need surgery.

Natural Cures for Hemorrhoids

1.) Try using a step stool while to go to the bathroom. Similar to giving birth, being in a squatting position actually aids in the passage of the stool/baby. Squatting allows gravity to help, but also does not strain that sensitive area. Sitting on a toilet with your feet at a 90 degree angle may be causing part of the problem. Use a step stool, approximately 6" in height, to place under your feet while you go.

2.) Apple cider vinegar both topically and orally. Believe it or not, apple cider vinegar can actually help the veins to shrink and also aid in getting the bleeding to stop. If you apply the vinegar directly to the hemorrhoids and also take it orally with maybe some honey to help with taste, your bulging veins may be reduced in as quickly as 24 hours-3 days.

3.) Virgin coconut oil applied topically. Clean the area first, then apply a generous amount of coconut oil (preferably at night) as often as you like throughout the day.

Learn how to naturally cure hemorrhoids for good. Avoid surgery and stop paying for over the counter creams that don't work. Visit right now to learn more.

Jenna Garvin is the author and founder of The Pregnancy Health Center. Please visit the site link above to learn more about this article or a related topic.

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Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy: Know More About It

Hemorrhoids are fairly common during pregnancy, in fact the overwhelming majority of women will experience them. This is not that big of a deal in most cases. However in some cases it can be very painful. If that is the case you are going to want to know how to relieve the pain. The good news is that in almost all cases the hemorrhoids will go away after you give birth. It is just a matter of enduring the discomfort until that happens. Fortunately there are quite a few ways to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than varicose veins, they just happen to occur in the rectum. They can range from being so mild that you don't even know that you have them to intensely painful. In most cases itching and burning will be the major symptoms. Most women will get hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This is especially true if you have had them before, you will almost certainly get them again. On the upside they will likely go away pretty quickly after you have had your baby.

The reason that hemorrhoids are so common during pregnancy is that the uterus pushes down on the vein that returns the blood from the lower half of the body to the heart. This tends to cause an increase in varicose veins in the bottom half of your body. Most women will notice that they have them in their legs. This is also what causes hemorrhoids. Another major cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, something that most women have when they are pregnant. Since the chances are pretty good that you are going to get hemorrhoids during your pregnancy you are going to want to know how to relieve the pain.

One option to relieve the pain of hemorrhoids is to use an icepack. This is fairly easy to understand, the ice will numb the area and reduce the irritation. The other common approach is to take a hot bath. Many people recommend that you alternate between the icepack and the hot bath. There are also a number of creams that you can get that you just rub on the area to numb the pain. You will want to talk to your doctor about this to make sure that the one you choose is safe for use while you are pregnant.

One option that you may want to try is to rub vitamin E on the area. You can do this by taking a regular vitamin E capsule and poking a small hole in it with a pin. You can than hold it against your rectum and squeeze the contents of the capsule out. Then you just spread the vitamin E over the whole area. It is recommended that you do this twice a day. You are going to want to make sure that the area is clean before you start so this is best done right after you have taken a shower.

Find more tips about: Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Best tips for: Hemorrhoids

Ellan Elanzen is an expert in the field of Health and Fitness

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Avoiding Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

With pregnancy you will come to expect certain body changes - the feel of your baby kicking you from inside, the intense cravings for unusual foods, and fatigue associated with weight gain. Unfortunately, with pregnancy comes other discomforts that may make life difficult unless they are quickly treated. Hemorrhoids, in particular, are a common, unwelcome side effect.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Often we associate varicose veins - veins that have become elongated or twisted - with our legs, yet since there are veins in the rectal area near the anus, they may occur there as well. Simply put, when these veins become swollen, a hemorrhoid occurs. The infected region of your backside may be tender to the touch and you may feel a bump the size of a pebble or even larger where there shouldn't be one. More serious symptoms of hemorrhoids include painful itching, broken skin, and bleeding. Hemorrhoids may form within the rectum or on the surface, and the more pressure is applied, the more painful they can be.

Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy

As a woman progresses in her pregnancy, naturally she will gain weight. The added pressure of pounds against the mother's lower region as the fetus grows, perhaps coupled with changes to diet that cause constipation, may contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids. If, during your pregnancy, your doctor has recommended a stool softener, it is for the prevention of these sores.

However, after a mother delivers her child she risks the onset of hemorrhoids due to the pressure put on the rectal area and the changes in blood flow in her body. Within a few days of delivery, a mother may find it uncomfortable to care for her new child with the irritation of rectal sores.

Soothing and Preventing Hemorrhoids

For the new mother seeking relief from hemorrhoids and anal fissure problems associated with birth, there are a number of preventative measures and treatments designed to alleviate pain and swelling:

High-fiber diet to ease constipation, which in turn lessens straining during bowel movements

Hydration - drinking lots of water daily may also ease the bowel and make using the toilet less stressful

Frequent cleaning of the rectal area with either witch hazel pads or a sitz bath

A recommended hemorrhoid cream that is safe to use during pregnancy - you may need to consult your doctor

When a new arrival comes into your life, the last thing you need to worry about is bodily discomfort, especially from hemorrhoids. With proper care and prevention, you can stay healthy and free of rectal sores, and concentrate on your new baby.

Kathleen Lively is a freelance health writer, specializing in articles on plastic surgery, colon cancer, and other ailments.

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Questions: Pregnant Bellies

Wanting to know when your pregnant belly will announce the good news to the world is normal. But the real answer depends on you: how many babies have you had how tall are you how much do you weigh

These factors will all influence when your belly shows. Though it always shows sooner with your clothes off, so your husband or significant other will notice more quickly than the outside world.

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Maternity clothes depend on multiple factors as well. For example, if your clothes are already loose and you don't mind wearing them a bit tighter you can go for longer periods of time without getting maternity clothes. There are also items that you can buy to help you extend your now wardrobe by allowing you to not button yours pants. That said, the majority of moms need to use some form of maternity clothing by around 16-20 weeks of pregnancy.

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Stretch marks can happen to just about anyone. Some women will find that they simply have inherited skin that is more likely to have stretch marks. For example, did you get stretch marks during puberty? You are more likely to get stretch marks if you gain weight quickly, if you have had stretch marks prior to pregnancy, if your family members had stretch marks and if you have poor nutrition.

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If you're like most women, you are amazed by your pregnant belly. There are ways to make memories from your belly. The two most popular ways are belly casts or belly masks and taking photos of your belly, particularly over time. Both can be done easily, though belly casts are more of a snapshot in time.

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How To Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - A Delicate Condition To Handle

Pregnancy is a time in a woman's life which is field with much anticipation, excitement and boundless joy due to the arrival of an angel in the family. This is also the time when the expectant mothers need to take good care of herself for her sake and more importantly for the child in her womb. Pregnancy is a time when a problem like hemorrhoids serves as a great difficulty and challenge to overcome, hence he need to know how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy. This knowledge is very important not only on the part of the pregnant lady, but even for those who are taking care of her and the unborn child. Hemorrhoids or piles must be taken care of the soonest possible to avoid possible complications and further threat on the health of the mother and child.

Before we get on how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it would be good to first deal with the root and cause of why piles developed to begin with. According to doctors, hemorrhoids during pregnancy and even after giving are a common enough occurrence and are not something you need to be overly alarmed off. Piles at this point in a woman's life occur as a result of the pressure felt by the blood vessel around the rectal area due to the added weight of the growing uterus and the baby inside. The following are other common factors for said swelling of the rectal veins:

-Continues increase in the uterus because of the growing child within. This increase in weight of the fetus and uterus is what causes the pressure in the muscles of the lower rectal area which then lead to hemorrhoids development.

-Constipation, which is a common problem of pregnant women. It is common for pregnant women to experience these difficulties of bowel movement as a result of the effects of the prescribed vitamin supplements given during pregnancy.

-Straining during defecation. The straining done during disposal of the body's solid waste is what causes the hemorrhoids to form and the hard dry stool firm stools irritate and may ruptures the swelling veins. This is what causes the additional discomfort as well as bleeding in some severe cases of piles.

We need to learn how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the earliest possible time, so as to give immediate relief for the afflicted patient.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy read more at venapro review site

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Painted Pregnancy Belly Pumpkin Photos

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Pregnancy Pictures

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Baby Hemorrhoids

Baby hemorrhoids are a common thing and one of the many uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy. These are not hemorrhoids on the baby, but hemorrhoids that the mother to be gets during the 10 months of pregnancy. Even the woman who has never gotten hemorrhoids in the past can experience them during pregnancy, so it's best to be forewarned.

Why do hemorrhoids occur so frequently in pregnant women? Hemorrhoids are caused by undue pressure on the veins in your rectum and intestines below the level of your uterus. When you are pregnant, the growing baby increases the pressure on those veins and arteries. This can cause hemorrhoids and clotting as well as varicose vein and other pressure related problems.

Constipation is another problem common to pregnancy and also a leading cause of hemorrhoids. Should hemorrhoids be caused by the pressure of the baby in the uterus, then constipation can aggravate the situation, inflaming hemorrhoids and possibly causing them to rupture and bleed. It is the straining during constipation that causes the anal canal to push out hemorrhoids instead of the bowel movement - or both.

Another reason why pregnant women often end up with hemorrhoids is the same reason why they exhibit wild mood swings and nausea - hormones. The increased progesterone during pregnancy causes a breakdown in the protection mechanism in veins that usually slow or stop swelling. The walls relax and there's nothing to stop the swelling. Progesterone also contributes to constipation, which as shown above, causes hemorrhoids and makes existing hemorrhoids even worse.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are par for the course. There is no need to call your doctor unless you are bleeding. Do check in before using steroid treatments and over the counter medications. Try a sitz bath instead or a poultice. is a free information site that offers articles and resources on Hemorrhoids. If you want to read or share information on Health&Fitness, you're always welcome!

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Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy

Having a child can be the most exciting time in your life, but often hemorrhoids and pregnancy go hand in hand. Your body is going through a variety of changes due to hormones and hemorrhoids can not only cause discomfort, but if not deal with can lead to other complications.

Prevention is always better than cure. Most women experience hemorrhoids because their digestive health suffers due to pregnancy. The digestion of food slows down which may lead to constipation and forcing yourself to pass stool may result in hemorrhoids developing. The best way to prevent this from happening is to ensure that you drink enough water to keep your digestive tract well lubricated. Adding fibre to your diet is also a great way to improve digestive health.

Some of the other reasons that woman experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy are that they may sit or stand for extended period of time. This puts pressure on the pelvic floor. Doing pelvic floor exercises during your pregnancy and before will help to keep this part of your body in the best shape possible.

Contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscle a hundred times, three or four times a day while sitting and standing will keep your pelvic floor muscles tight. This will help reduce the chances of hemorrhoids as well as improving your muscle tone during labour. Woman who do pelvic floor exercises report that they experience satisfying sex far quicker after childbirth than women who don't.

For those already suffering from hemorrhoids, soaking the affected area in warm water and then placing a cold press with aloe vera or camphor will help to relieve the discomfort. Do this four times daily for the best results.

Hemorrhoids can be very frightening for anyone suffering from them. You don't have to feel embarrassed about this condition if you know what you need to do. Treating hemorrhoids is not difficult, but it does require a bit of time on your part.

To find out what you can do to cure your hemorrhoids is the privacy of your home, visit for all the information you'll need.

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Hemorrhoid From Pregnancy

What is hemorrhoid?

It is the swelling up of the vein lining the anal canal and rectum. This canal swells up for various reasons, the most common being constipation. The vein cannot withstand the high pressure that falls upon it during constipated bowel movement and ruptures, causing it to inflame. In pregnancy, however, the inflammation can occur at the anus, varicose vein in the legs and in the inferior vena cava at the vulva.

What are the causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Apart from people over 50 year of age, hemorrhoids are very common in pregnant women for the following reasons:

The fetus inside the uterus puts pressure on the veins in the anal region leading to hemorrhoid.

The digestion becomes slow due to high level of hormones during pregnancy. This leads to constipation and hard stools. These hard stools do not pass easily through the anal canal and pressure the muscles and the veins in the rectum and outside the anus, resulting in piles.

The hormone progesterone relaxes the blood vessels to let more blood flow during pregnancy. This relaxation causes the veins to inflame easily, consequently developing hemorrhoids.

What are the possible safe treatments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Any kind of internal medication should be avoided as much as possible during pregnancy to eliminate any possible risk to the fetus. To avoid such a situation, hemorrhoids should be addressed at a very early stage during pregnancy. Here are some ways to handle constipation and hemorrhoid aggravation.

The first step would be to bring constipation under control. For this natural fiber rich food and liquids should form a considerable part of the diet. Most of the liquid goes out as urine and amniotic fluid. Whatever is left of the remaining fluid gets distributed to the blood and the intestine. If the intestine doesn't get enough fluid, the stool is going to be rock hard and very difficult to evict.

It would be a lot helpful if you do not strain yourself pushing out the hard stool. Drink warm water or hot milk and let the pressure build before you are ready to sit and evict.

Hot and cold compress will help sooth pain and heal the inflamed veins quickly.

Soft wipes and warm sitz soak after every bowel movement can avoid involuntary itching and relieve pain.

Suppositories and topical ointments may feel awkward, but will help you with subsiding the swelling, itching and pain. Such creams are designed to accelerate the healing process.

Always wear cotton under wears to avoid moisture build up.

To enjoy pregnancy and motherhood in better light, hemorrhoids should be taken care of at the earliest.

Information like this here will help you find natural treatments for hemorrhoids and develop a plan to help eliminate the suffering from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Baby Names Not Coming Back

There are some baby names that are cyclic. They are popular and then fall by the wayside, only to resurface a few generations later. I think of these as grandparent names. You know, names that our grandparents were named that lost favor for whatever reason.

However, in addition to these names, there is another set of baby names. But these names were probably a mistake the first time around and won't be making a comeback for naming a baby anytime soon. (Though some exceptions apply like Herbert VI.) Here are my predictions for additions to that list of no-no baby names:

Girls Names

Boys Names

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Creative Baby Shower Gift Wrap

Baby Shower

If you're like me, you love giving baby gifts (at baby showers, and other places). But I also really like to do fun wrapping to make the gift look really neat.? Two ways I do this: fun gift toppers and using odd things to wrap the present itself.

What do you like to do?


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Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are very common and are usually only temporary, improving or disappearing altogether after the birth of your child. They most often occur in the third trimester of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are caused during pregnancy by constipation and straining to have a bowel movement. Standing for a long period of time can contribute to the causes of hemorrhoids, as well as the pressure placed on the rectum and the perineum from the baby. If you have already encountered hemorrhoids before your pregnancy, they could become worse.

Hemorrhoids are blood vessels that have swollen in size to accommodate the pressure around the area. There are typically two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and external hemorrhoids occur near the anus, outside your body, and they are covered with a thin layer of skin. Generally, hemorrhoids range in size from a raisin to a grape.

Pregnancy tends to slow down the workings of your gastrointestinal tract, thereby setting the stage for constipation. Hemorrhoids can also cause bleeding. You will want to make sure your physician knows about your hemorrhoids so he or she can be prepared to offer guidance.

What can you do to ease the pain, itching, and burning of your hemorrhoids condition? You can:

o Avoid sitting for long periods of time. Get up and walk around, even if it is just for a little while. Don't just stand, walk.

o When sitting, avoid hard surfaces. Look for softer surfaces or keep a pillow handy.

o Use either wet or dry baking soda on the affected area to help with itching or burning.

o Take warm baths. You might consider adding a little baking soda to the water or try a Sitz bath (alternating between hot and cold water).

o Medicated pads are available for purchase to use externally to get relief from the pain, itching, or burning of hemorrhoids symptoms.

o Witch hazel is a natural remedy believed to help reduce swelling.

The best thing you can do to prevent hemorrhoids, or keep them in check if you are already experiencing them, is to:

o Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to try to maintain regularity in your body's system.

o Do not put off going to the bathroom when you feel the need. The more you try to wait and "hold it", the worse conditions you make for yourself.

o Ensure there is plenty of fiber in your diet. Good sources of fiber include bran cereal, apples, and spinach, just to name a few.

o Drink plenty of fluids. The fluids could include prune juice if you are not getting enough fiber in your diet from another food option.

Take care of your hemorrhoids during pregnancy as you have enough on your mind; you don't need the added irritation of hemorrhoids if you can prevent them or treat them to alleviate their symptoms. Always check with your doctor before taking any medication internally when you are pregnant. Your physician may also prescribe stool softeners or recommend fiber supplements, if they are necessary.

Please visit us to learn more about hemorrhoids treatment options and to get treatment reviews.

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What Everyone Should Know About Hemorrhoids

When the veins of the skin that surround the rectal area or inside the rectal area begin to swell, which is not a usual happening, this is a hemorrhoid. These swelling are usually about the size of a raisin but can often be as large as a grape. These protrusions can often just feel itchy but they can also become extremely painful.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external and they can be the type of hemorrhoid that bleeds real blood. They can bleed whether they are internal of external. One method of bleeding hemorrhoid treatment is to avoid wearing tight fitting underwear. You can be certain that an internal hemorrhoids are bleeding because there will be blood in the stool.

There are various hemorrhoid treatments because the type of hemorrhoids varies. However, If you keep the anal area clean and dry this is one method of treating the hemorrhoids. In addition, you can further treat the hemorrhoids with a hot sitz bath. It is also recommended that eating a diet high in fiber and avoiding any straining while having a bowel movement are also viable treatments for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are not uncommon. The hemorrhoids develop because of pressure on the pelvis and on the large vein (vena cava) on the right side of the body. As the pregnancy progresses the swelling magnifies the pressure and hemorrhoids may develop. Hemorrhoids also develop during pregnancy when there is constipation. During pregnancy the walls of the veins relax with assistance from progesterone (hormone) with allows them to become swollen more easily thus, causing pressure. To get some relief from the hemorrhoids during pregnancy: clean the area well after each bowel movement; sit in a warm bath; and apply ice packs to the area.

There does not appear to be a cure (as such) for hemorrhoids, hydrocortisone creams are being used to reduce the swelling, and give the patient some relief from the itching.

In order to get rid of hemorrhoids, the patient has at least three options: to reduce the swelling and avoid and irritation in the future within reason; the vein can be removed, or have other surgeries performed.

Find out information on how to get rid of hemorrhoids [] and learn the cure for hemorrhoids [] if already existing.

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23 Weeks Pregnant, 1st Baby, Stretch Marks

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Penanganan Campak

Bagaimana menangani anak yang sedang sakit campak?

campak anakTanya:

Ibu tolong bantu di sharing, bagaimana menangani anak yang sakit campak, kalau tidak salah tidak boleh mandi dan tidak boleh kena angin? Ini bukan anakku yang terkena campak, tapi temanku yang bukan anggota DI tapi tahu aku punya banyak teman yang akan kasih masukan. Terima kasih sebelumnya. [Ty]


Menurut dr. Asti Praborini, SpA (seperti yang dikutip di tabloid Nakita),
* Bila campaknya ringan, anak cukup dirawat di rumah. Kalau campaknya berat atau sampai terjadi komplikasi maka harus dirawat di rumah sakit.
* Anak campak perlu dirawat di tempat tersendiri agar tidak menularkan penyakitnya kepada yang lain. Apalagi bila ada bayi di rumah yang belum mendapat imunisasi campak.
* Beri penderita asupan makanan bergizi seimbang dan cukup untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhnya. Makanannya harus mudah dicerna, karena anak campak rentan terjangkit infeksi lain, seperti radang tenggorokan, flu, atau lainnya. Masa rentan ini masih berlangsung sebulan setelah sembuh karena daya tahan tubuh penderita yang masih lemah.
* Lakukan pengobatan yang tepat dengan berkonsultasi pada dokter.
* Jaga kebersihan tubuh anak dengan tetap memandikannya.
* Anak perlu beristirahat yang cukup.

HAL LAIN YANG PERLU DIPERHATIKAN menurut dr. Rudy Firmansyah, Sp.A, dari RSAB Harapan Kita Jakartaenurt Dr. (yang dikutip dari Nakita)

* Jangan melakukan pengobatan menurut aturan sendiri tetapi harus berdasarkan petunjuk dokter. Bila memang harus mengonsumsi obat 3 kali sehari maka harus dilakukan dengan baik. Bila ada gejala lain yang timbul, misalnya kejang-kejang atau sesak napas, segeralah berkonsultasi pada dokter.
* Sebaiknya berikan makanan yang mudah dicerna seperti bubur nasi. Hal ini untuk menghindari terjangkitnya infeksi lain, seperti radang tenggorokan, flu, atau lainnya. Dianjurkan untuk memberikan makanan yang mudah dicerna selama sebulan kemudian sampai kondisinya benar-benar pulih.
* Karena mudah menular lewat udara, sebaiknya anak campak dirawat dikamar sendiri agar tidak menularkan penyakitnya. Namun perlu diingat, jangan sampai terkesan kalau anak diisolasi, berikan mainan yang dapat menghibur agar dia tidak bosan.
* Setiap anak yang sedang sakit butuh istirahat yang cukup. Anak campak pun demikian, berikan waktu beristirahat secara maksimal.
* Jangan biarkan bayi yang belum mendapat imunisasi campak berdekatan dengan penderita campak sampai penyakitnya benar-benar sembuh. Sangat mungkin virus campak akan menulari bayi.
* Jaga tubuh anak agar tetap bersih sehingga dia tetap merasa nyaman. Boleh saja anak dimandikan atau dilap seluruh tubuhnya. Pendapat yang mengatakan kalau anak campak tidak boleh dimandikan adalah keliru karena bila tubuhnya kotor dan berkeringat akan menimbulkan rasa lengket dan gatal luar biasa. Dorongan menggaruk kulit yang gatal bisa menimbulkan infeksi berupa bisul-bisul kecil bernanah. Gunakan sabun bayi yang tak terlalu merangsang kulit dan gosoklah kulitnya perlahan. Sehabis mandi, keringkan dan taburi dengan bedak salycyl talc.
* Selama anak sakit dan dalam pemulihan sebaiknya kita memisahkan peralatan makan dan mandinya, seperti piring, gelas, sendok, handuk, sprai dan pakaiannya. Hal ini untuk menghindari terjadinya penularan lewat kontak tak langsung. Mudah-mudahan berguna. [Nn]

Kalau dengar campak aku merinding, dulu waktu anakku kena campak, bersamaan dengan 5 anak tetangga. 1 diantaranya pas depan rumahku, meninggal dunia. Aku panik sepanik-paniknya, cuma bisa memperhatikan anakku yang tiduran saja, lemas, panas tidak turun-turun, bercak merah besar-besar, rongga mulut-lidah-dan bibir penuh sariawan, ya Allah, ingin rasanya bertukar tempat saja, kasihan sekali lihat dia cuma bisa nangis. Waktu itu, karena sama sekali tidak bisa makan, aku paksa minum susu, larutan kaki 3, pocari sweat, dan obat jalan terus, tepat waktu, tidak peduli sudah masuk makanan padat atau belum, pokoknya obat harus masuk, minum pakai sedotan saja tersiksa sekali, mesti cari sela-sela mulut yang tidak luka. Seharian anakku hanya berbaring, tidak bisa kena AC atau kipas angin, jadi hanya dikipas pakai kipas sate itu, tiap 2 jam baju dan celana tidurnya (tidak pakai pakaian dalam) diganti, badannya dibedakin. Maaf tidak kasih solusi, tapi dari pengalamanku, yang mesti dijaga sekali, harus banyak minum, ganti cairan jangan sampai dehidrasi, lalu obat dari dokter jangan sampai kelewat, tidak usah tunggu makanan padat bisa masuk, kalau sudah waktunya minum obat ya di kasih saja, sering-sering ganti baju, supaya nyaman, tidka tahu boleh mandi atau tidak, lebih baik tanya dokternya, tapi aku cari aman saja, biar saja lengket-lengket sedikit, ditaburin bedak terus. Pokoknya yang sabar saja, tidak usah panik biar anaknya ikut tenang, dan anaknya jangan ditinggal. Kalau lagi panas sekali kan suka berhalusinasi, ketakutan sendiri. Semoga anak temannya mbak, tidak separah anakku dulu ya, cepet sembuh ya. [Dy]

Mbak, campak itu pakai sariawan segala ya? Anakku pernah sariawan satu mulut, demam, lalu ada semacam rash yang ’seperti’ kutu air di kulitnya. Kata dokter bukan campak hanya virus (kesalnya waktu ditanya virus apa jawabnya tidak jelas). Aku cari-cari info sendiri dan ’sepertinya’ sakit hand, foot, mouth disease. Saat itu lagi musim penyakit yang disebut flu singapur yang tanda-tandanya sama seperti hfm disease. Karena anakku belum pernah campak, aku jadi hati-hati juga. Jadi ada sariawannya ya?

Maaf ya bukannya kasih solusi malah ikut nanya. Tapi setahu aku, kalau campak boleh dilap air supaya bersih badannya. Ini kata dsa lain waktu itu. Dia malah menyarankan supaya badan/kulit anak dibersihkan supaya tidak timbul penyakit lainnya. Tapi memang setelahnya harus dikeringkan benar-benar. [Dv]

Mungkin tidak semua ya, tergantung daya tahan anaknya, mungkin anakku tidak tahan sama panasnya jadi keluar sariawannya. [Dy]

Testemoni DL aku yang kena ini pasang aromaterapi dengan thyme oil dan tetap boleh mandi/di wash lap pakai BSG, alhamdulillah menolong sekali, recovery’nya juga cepat. Cepat sembuh ya. [Nv]

Anakku kena campak Juli kemarin, memang ada sariawan dan semua gejala yang ada di artikel Nina semuanya muncul di anakku. Anakkui waktu itu akhirnya dirawat di RS selama 5 hari karena badannya yang kurus menyebabkan kondisinya drop sekali. Sempat 3 hari tidak makan padat cuma minum saja, akhirnya diinfus. Campak memang menakutkan sekali katanya untuk anak-anak yang bertubuh kurus seperti anakku, karena kondisi badannya tidak punya cadangan makanan yang dapat menopang tubuhnya selama dia tidak mau makan. Mulutnya penuh sama sariawan, batuk, sedikit diare (karena panasnya yang tinggi) dan bibir kering (pecah-pecah). Setelah sakit campak memang kondisi anakku menurun, jadi rentan terhadap penyakit. Mudah ketular batuk pilek dan sedikit-sedikit demam. Jadinya kami musti monitor sekali asupan makannya supaya gizinya benar-benar bagus dan kondisi daya tahan tubuhnya meningkat. Hal penting lainnya anak dimandiin atau dilap air hangat biar tidak gerah dan gatal yang semakin menyiksa anak. Untuk ruamnya jangan dikasih bedak tabur malah menutup pori-pori. Lebih baik kalau’ dikasih bedak cari (Caladine mis-nya). Dipantau terus kondisi anak, bila muncul sesak napas harus dibawa ke RS segera karena itu berarti penyakit campaknya telah komplikasi ke radang paru (peumonia). Hal ini berbahaya jadi harus segera ditangani RS. [Al]

Bukan aku menakut-nakuti ya, Ini hanya sekedar info buat kita, karena sekarang ini banyak sekali penyakit-penyakit baru yang muncul. Coba baca Kompas hari ini di hal 54 mengenai penyakit Kawasaki. Semoga kita semua & keluarga dijauhkan dari penyakit. Amin. [Lt]

Kalau pakai sariawan bukannya HFMD ? Waktu campak itu sempat dibawa ke dokter tidak? Mbak bagaimana untuk memastikan bahwa itu campak atau bukan? soalnya waktu anakku kena rubella, penampakannya persis campak, cuma lingkaran bentol2nya lebih kecil-kecil & pas kebetulan waktu menderita rubella itu dikombinasi dengan HFMD jadinya anakku ada sariawannya di tenggorokan. Gejalanya ya panas tinggi juga, cuma karena sariawannya keluar hanya di tenggorak jadinya panas tinggi hanya disekitar tenggorokan ke atas kepala. [Wn]

Kata dokternya anakku kena campak, merah-merahnya berupa bercak bukan bentol (tidak nimbul) dan lebar-lebar, bercak dan panasnya juga seluruh badan, merata sekali, dari muka, badan, tangan dan kaki , aku juga pilih untuk merawat anakku di rumah saja, biar anaknya lebih tenang dan nyaman Tapi jadi curiga juga, mungkin tidak ya dokternya tidak mengerti penyakit HFMD ? [Dy]

Bisa jadi tidak ada! Aku saja cuma dibilang virus, tapi tidak bisa menjelaskan virus apa. Aku ambil kesimpulan HFMD karena browsing habis-habisan di internet. Lihat-lihat tanda-tanda/foto-foto dsb. Apa karena di Indonesia jarang ada HFMD? Kebetulan setelah sembuh, sebulan kemudian di kompas ada berita penyakit flu singapur, yang sepertinya mirip. Tapi sampai sekarang (sudah 1 tahun), info tentang flu singapur itu apa, aku juga belum faham. [Dv]

10-01-2006 23:03:07

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SIDS: Prevention Versus Lowered Risk

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has long been a mystery to scientists. We don't really know why it happens, just that apparently healthy babies between 1 month and 1 year go to sleep and don't wake up. We spend a lot of time hearing about new things that we can do, like have baby sleep on their backs, breastfeed, avoid overheating, quit smoking and others. But there are also factors that are completely out of your control, the the age of your baby, the sex and the time of year. I think this often gets overlooked and parents who child dies from SIDS are potentially left feeling like they didn't do everything that they could to help protect their child.

This is an important distinction. Some factors that you as a parent can control and some factors you simply can't. As it stands today there is no perfect predictor and no cure, only the reduction of risk factors.

My nephew, Nathan, was born 20 years ago today. He died in March of 1992 of SIDS. In April 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics came out with the Back to Sleep Campaign. The good news for my sister was that Nathan was sleeping on his back when he died, she said she would have always felt guilty had that not been the case. But he was a boy, it was winter, he had been born prematurely and recently been ill with a respiratory infection. The bottom line: Do what you can.

What are you doing to reduce your baby's risk?


Photo (c) A. Ralston

Sporadic Autonomic Dysregulation and Death Associated with Excessive Serotonin Autoinhibition, Audero, E. Science, July 4, 2008; vol 321: pp 130-133.

Use of a Fan During Sleep and the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Coleman-Phox, K, Odouli, R, Li, D. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2008;162(10):963-968.

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Get Rid of Hemorrhoid Pain in Pregnancy

Pregnancy should be a joyful moment but many women suffer from hemorrhoid during pregnancy. It is common in pregnancy because of several reason such as women carrying extra weight while they pregnant, their growing uterus can increase the pressure on the veins in the lower body, pregnancy hormones can also cause the walls of your veins to relax that make them to swell more easily, and last we can't forget that pregnant women tend to have constipation that can lead to hemorrhoid. The chance of having hemorrhoid will increase if women have had hemorrhoid before pregnancy and they may also develop or flare up with the straining of labor.

Although most hemorrhoid improve on their own after the baby is born, women still have to suffer from the pain during their pregnant, but there are numbers of things that you can do to relieve from hemorrhoid pain. Warm water and ice pack is one way to help decrease swelling and discomfort, you can soak your rectal area in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes at a time for several times a day or apply an ice pack (with a soft covering) to the affected area several times a day. Soft, unscented, white toilet tissue, it will be better if you moist the tissue first or using medicated wipes because it causes less irritation than colored, scented varieties. You also have to keep your anal area clean because letting it dirty will lead to infections.

If you are still unable to relief the pain after using those methods above you can ask your healthcare practitioner to recommend a safe topical anesthetic or medicated suppository. There are many hemorrhoid-relief products on the market, but consult your practitioner before trying one on your own. Most of these products should be used for a short course of treatment only (a week or less). Continued use can cause even more inflammation.

If you want to know more about hemorrhoid you can find the best hemorrhoids treatments in our blog. You can ask anything about your hemorrhoids problem and we will try to answer it as soon as we can.

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Breastfeeding Quiz

Breastfeeding is often seen as a normal and natural process, which it is. The problem comes in that we expect to simply be able to look at the baby, show the baby a breast and everything just happens without anyone's assistance or knowledge of the process. There are many things that are just becoming known about breastfeeding. Test your knowledge of breastfeeding dos and don'ts.

Try your knowledge base out at the Breastfeeding Quiz!

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Hemorrhoids While Pregnant

Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy: What are They?

Pregnancy is a magical time, filled with wonder and excitement and...pain? Hopefully not! However, if you develop a nasty condition called hemorrhoids, or "piles", the magic can take on a feel of a curse sometimes. That's not a good thing. Knowledge is power and the more you understand about what's going on, the more equipped you will feel to regain the magic. Let's talk about hemorrhoids.

Most of us have heard of varicose veins during pregnancy. We usually think of them as bulging, twisted, unsightly blood vessels in the lower legs requiring the use of unfashionable, tight stockings. Well, hemorrhoids are varicose veins too but they rear their ugly heads inside the rectum or around the anus (that's the part of the body where the bowel eliminates stool). The hemorrhoids inside the rectum are called "internal"; those on the outside are called "external".

Regardless of where the hemorrhoids are located they cause annoying symptoms such as pain, bleeding, burning, itching, a sensation of sitting on balls, and involuntary (and unwelcome) discharge. They are a nuisance and can most definitely take the magic out of your pregnancy.

So why do you have them, and why now? Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase of pressure in the vessels of the lower bowel. The pressure causes them to bulge and twist and get inflamed and irritated. What causes the increased pressure? In the case of pregnancy there are basically two reasons.

The first is the extra weight of the growing baby. The second is the almost certain onset of constipation during pregnancy. The constipation causes other problems which aggravate the hemorrhoids further, such as straining with bowel movements and irritation of the blood vessels in the rectum and around the anus.

The pressure in the pelvis increases even more than it was from the pregnancy itself. Further, the vessels get irritated by the passing of dry, hard stool. This sets into motion a cycle of pain, bleeding and itching which we'll discuss later.

There are a variety of things you can do about your situation.

However, the last of the things to do is to ignore the symptoms. The primary reason to take action is to ensure that your problem is indeed related to hemorrhoids and not to something more serious that may require medical attention. The second, and equally important, reason is to take back your life during your pregnancy! When you are holding that bundle of joy in your arms at last, you want to remember the past nine months as a time when your baby was growing and receiving its very life sustenance from you! You do not want to remember it as a time of bleeding, itching, burning, embarrassment, and self-imposed isolation from social events.

Do you want to learn more about getting rid of your hemorrhoids? If so, download my brand new free e-book "Getting Rid of Hemorrhoids" here

Sue Bristol, R.N.

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Dealing With Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

During pregnancy the risk of suffering with hemorrhoids distress is increased considerably because the strain and pressure in the rectal area is increased due to labor. Most of the women suffer with hemorrhoids during pregnancy it happens due to swollen varicose veins around the rectal region and causes severe itching and pain in that region.

The swelling of varicose veins happens due to the increase in the production of a hormone called progesterone. The increasing levels of progesterone relax many muscles and the walls around the veins causing swelling. Moreover the pressure is increased due to enlarged uterus due to this increased pressure the blood flow in the pelvic region is affected and contributes to hemorrhoids.

During pregnancy many women also suffer with constipation which also is a major contributing factor for causing hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids pain is also aggravated during bowel movement. To avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy try to follow some of the tips like:

Try to avoid standing for long hours and keep your feet up most of the time of the day. Try to take warm baths every day. If you are suffering with hemorrhoids swelling use ice cubes on the anal region for relieving the itching and pain. Ice works as a local anesthesia and helps in coping up with the pain and discomfort. Also you must avoid lifting heavy things during pregnancy as they increase the pressure on the lower region of the body.

It is also very important that you take a well balanced diet during pregnancy which should meet the increased requirement of the body during pregnancy. Try to consume lot of fluid and fruit juices as they help in keeping the bowel soft. Doctors also suggest consuming at least 7 to 8 glasses of water daily.

Doctors suggest pregnant women to sleep on the left side as sleeping on the left side increases the blood circulation in the pelvic area and helps in relieving the pressure from the varicose veins. Pregnant women should avoid continuously sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time as it may increase the pressure on the veins causing hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be cured completely, for valuable resources about Hemorrhoids Treatment make sure you visit this website:

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Retinol Creams and Lotions for Stretch Marks After Pregnancy39 Weeks Pregnant - 1st Baby - Stretch Marks Retinol creams can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy.

Photo ? M. HoelzerBefore you have your baby, talk to your doctor or midwife about treatment of stretch marks. To get rid of your stretch marks, early treatment will be the most beneficial. But most of the inexpensive options, creams and lotions, contain vitamin A derivatives, which cannot be used in pregnancy because of the potential to cause birth defects.

Retinol is the ingredient that you are looking for in your over the counter creams and lotions. These are more frequently found in face creams, so if you need to use face cream, that is fine. Though this option can be more costly because it is designed to cover a smaller area.

Retinol works by trying to stimulate collagen production. It can take up to six weeks before you see any effect from this treatment on your stretch marks. These treatments will cost anywhere from $15-$80 per bottle depending on the brand. If you visit a dermatologist, they may also prescribe Retin-A, a prescription form of retinol.

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Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy

Having a child can be the most exciting time in your life, but often hemorrhoids and pregnancy go hand in hand. Your body is going through a variety of changes due to hormones and hemorrhoids can not only cause discomfort, but if not deal with can lead to other complications.

Prevention is always better than cure. Most women experience hemorrhoids because their digestive health suffers due to pregnancy. The digestion of food slows down which may lead to constipation and forcing yourself to pass stool may result in hemorrhoids developing. The best way to prevent this from happening is to ensure that you drink enough water to keep your digestive tract well lubricated. Adding fibre to your diet is also a great way to improve digestive health.

Some of the other reasons that woman experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy are that they may sit or stand for extended period of time. This puts pressure on the pelvic floor. Doing pelvic floor exercises during your pregnancy and before will help to keep this part of your body in the best shape possible.

Contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscle a hundred times, three or four times a day while sitting and standing will keep your pelvic floor muscles tight. This will help reduce the chances of hemorrhoids as well as improving your muscle tone during labour. Woman who do pelvic floor exercises report that they experience satisfying sex far quicker after childbirth than women who don't.

For those already suffering from hemorrhoids, soaking the affected area in warm water and then placing a cold press with aloe vera or camphor will help to relieve the discomfort. Do this four times daily for the best results.

Hemorrhoids can be very frightening for anyone suffering from them. You don't have to feel embarrassed about this condition if you know what you need to do. Treating hemorrhoids is not difficult, but it does require a bit of time on your part.

To find out what you can do to cure your hemorrhoids is the privacy of your home, visit for all the information you'll need.

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Understanding the Causes of Hemorrhoids

Some people may get hemorrhoids, but will be unaware of what actually causes this condition. In most cases the causes of hemorrhoids may be one of many or a combination of several causes. Most of the time people with hemorrhoids are prevented from doing everyday activities due to excessive pain from having hemorrhoids. They may want to research what causes hemorrhoids. They may want to research what causes hemorrhoids so that they are able to find an effective cure for the condition.

When you are researching the causes of hemorrhoids, the first thing you will need to know is what the main types of hemorrhoids are. Some people will get hemorrhoids on the inside of their anus. The other type is the external hemorrhoid, which is visible from the outside of your anus on the veins located there. Internal hemorrhoids are not as painful as external hemorrhoids but they are just as irritating.

There are quite a few causes of hemorrhoids, you should know about:

·         Sitting Constantly: Sometimes your lifestyle and the job you have require you to do a lot of sitting, you may end up with some pressure in your anal area that may be the one of the causes of hemorrhoids.

·         Constipation: Quite possibly the most recognized of the cause of hemorrhoids. It makes it hard to go to the toilet because of problems you may have with elimination. The straining that you do with constipation is the primary aggravator of hemorrhoids.

·         Diarrhea: Sometimes these explosive stools will make the symptoms of hemorrhoids worse.

·         Obesity: When you are overweight you may experience the pressure of your extra weight on your anus causing the veins to become weak and to create the hemorrhoid condition.

·         Pregnancy: many women will get hemorrhoids during the pregnancy or after the birth of their child, usually due to increased blood pressure in the lower half of the body.

·         Standing up for a long time: Some people will get hemorrhoids from standing in one place for a long time.

You will find that the causes of hemorrhoid is very different for everyone, while you cannot in a lot of cases, stop yourself from getting the condition, you can prevent it from becoming any worse, by simply doing some of the other treatments that are available. You may find that the sitz bath, creams, stool softener, additional fiber, additional water and natural cures as well. By trying these processes you will rid yourself of pain and of the irritation you may feel in your anus. Some of these cures only work on a temporary basis while you will find that most of the natural cures will take away the hemorrhoids permanently. If you simply use just one or a combination of these types of treatments, it will help rid yourself of hemorrhoids and it will prevent it from returning.

Heather-Jane Hunter has helped hundreds to people to beat their hemorrhoids. Learn more about the causes of hemorrhoids as well as other problems associated with hemorrhoids such as hemorrhoids during pregnancy today.

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Pregnancy Associated Hemorrhoids

If you are heading into your third trimester and you are feeling a little bit constipated, you might want to pay attention for pregnancy associated hemorrhoids. This is because you will find that you have a difficult time moving your bowels when you are getting larger, and this may in fact impede your body from doing what it naturally wants to do. this is a very common thing, and many women mention to their doctors or midwives that they are dealing with hemorrhoids fairly regularly. Knowing what to look for is the best prevention of hemorrhoids and they can be controlled.

Proper Diet

When it comes to pregnancy associated hemorrhoids, this is something that can in fact be avoided. If you are trying to do your best to avoid it, then you may have to consider consulting your doctors or midwife about a specific diet. A pregnancy specific diet will be something that will help you in the digestion and bowel movement aspects. This is something that many women struggle with, as they move along in their pregnancy. This is not to say that hemorrhoids are unlikely in your earlier month such as your first or second trimester, it is simply to imply that the chances are greater during the later months of the pregnancy for hemorrhoids. Any diet that is going to increase your fiber is a good thing, yet you will want to consult the care provider prior to simply adjusting your diet on your own.

Considerable Pressure

One of the most obvious of all pregnancy associated hemorrhoids problems is a direct result of the continual and considerable pressure that the baby causes. When the baby actually lies on the mother's bowels, it will cause the bowels to become disrupted. This will mean that the mother will have a difficult time in the bathroom, and more than likely will not be able to have a bowel movement. This pressure can also affect other organs as well such as the bladder and kidneys, yet it is the bowels that are the problem here. If you cannot use the bathroom, you will more than likely become constipated and this will promote hemorrhoids as a result. Sometimes it does not hurt to gently try and convince the baby to move off of your bowels, by way of massage or gentle prodding and poking.

Simple Relief Steps

Pregnancy associated hemorrhoids are something that can be soothed when you get them, with a few simple tips. Wearing loose clothing will often offer the mother some form of relief from the pain and discomfort of the hemorrhoids. Loose fitting cotton pants or even a loose skirt or dress, will help with this problem greatly. Drinking plenty of water is an excellent way for your body to remain hydrated and you will notice that you will not deal with hemorrhoids as much either. Over all there are many ways that you can find the relief, sometimes it will help to speak with the doctor and see what they can suggest.

Paula Robson writes hemorrhoid and other health related articles for the Good Hemorrhoid Cures website at

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Pregnancy Hemorrhoids - Know it in Advance and Prevent it From Happening

Pregnancy hemorrhoids are of the mostly complained issues from pregnant women. With a baby in your body, things are quite different from things at other times when you were normal. Being pregnant can mean that you might become more vulnerable to diseases and health-related problems. All of these can be attributed to hormone.  

Pregnancy hemorrhoids are considered one of the victims of hormone changes because the hormone slows the foods down that are going through the gastrointestinal tract. This slowing down results in constipation which leads to hemorrhoids because you would have to strain at stool. This straining would get the anal veins enlarged, causing hemorrhoids.  

Now that we know one of the causes of pregnancy hemorrhoids, we can take some home treatment for them right away. If you are suffering from them at the time being, it would be helpful to subdue the pain or itching by applying ice packs to the rectum area.  

However, prevention is the most important thing when it comes to hemorrhoids during pregnancy. First things first, don't sit long in front of the desk. After finishing reading this article, you need to stand up and do some walk or exercise. However, don't stand too long, either. The reason is that the veins in the anus will suffer pressure too if you stand for a long time.  

To prevent pregnancy hemorrhoids, another most significant thing you need to do every day is drinking enough water or other fluids. Fluids can not only alleviate the dry stool so that constipation can be eliminated, but also accelerate your metabolism, which is good because frequent visits to the bathroom can force you to exercise.

A fairly large proportion of women are hemorrhoid sufferers. She was one of them until she came up with the most effective hemorrhoid cure ever. Become completely relieved from hemorrhoids by Clicking Here NOW!.

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Keep Hemorrhoids From Pregnancy at Bay

Aside from worrying about having something huge come out from you, most pregnant women are also plagued by the fear of having hemorrhoids from pregnancy. The mere thought of being exposed as you experience labor and to have hemorrhoids possibly visible as you push the baby out is enough to last you an embarrassment of a lifetime.

As your womb prepares itself to accommodate the fetus growing, the uterine walls expand and this would affect other organs within that area. While the baby grows in size and weight, your digestive system needs to adjust to the newcomer. This would create pressure on your pelvic bones and causes to press on to your intestines. This could result to constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. Soon, expectant mothers would be likely to find their stool bleeding or rectal pain. Itchiness and skin irritation are other noticeable symptoms of hemorrhoids as well.

To prevent presence of hemorrhoids, you must do the following:

#1 Good food means good tummy. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is necessary. The baby would need all the nutrients he can get and this would also result into regular bowel movement and soft stool. Heed your obstetrician's warning of avoiding junk foods and sodas. They contribute much for women to become constipated.

#2 Plenty of water and exercise. Sitting down for a long time can only add to the weight of the baby on your anal region. Try lying down on your left side to relieve the pressure when you're reading or watching television. Water intake should be maintained at an average of 8 to 10 glasses each day, everyday. These are contributing factors as to how women have hemorrhoids from pregnancy.

#3 When you need to go, just go! Avoid too much straining while moving your bowels and try not staying too long in the toilet because this can also just make it worse. Always pay attention when you have the urge to defecate. It is wiser to do this than suffer having to use a hemorrhoid cushion for a long time.

When you're pregnant, your entire world undergoes many changes. From the physical to emotional states, a pregnancy means your lifestyle changes due to the bodily transformation brought about a new human being growing inside of you. Hormonal alterations are experienced and this meant having some parts of your body prone to certain ailments.

Postpartum hemorrhoids can also occur. This is due to the fact that during labor, you were placing strain in the lower half of your body as you push that baby out. Your progesterone level is relatively high and this would cause the walls of your veins to relax and swell up more easily than the usual. It can also slow down your intestinal tract and thus lead to constipation.

To help alleviate with the hemorrhoids during or after the pregnancy, try wiping them with chilled witch hazel pads to relieve the pain and itchiness it brings. Sitting on a half-inflated hemorrhoid cushion may also help ease the soreness. However, there is one treatment that will surely remove hemorrhoids from pregnancy. This cure is proven to be effective and safe, even for pregnant women. Pregnancy can now be an unforgettable experience and hemorrhoid free.

Andrea Timothy does freelance internet research on varied topics for well-being and healthy lifestyles. Find out more about hemorrhoids from pregnancy [] at her website about hemorrhoid cushions [].

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Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy Complications

Hemorrhoids have always been "the butt of jokes" but they are in fact no laughing matter. When they develop or intensify during pregnancy the situation becomes even more complicated. Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in abdominal pressure, often as a result of constipation and straining. It is imperative that they be relieved during pregnancy because of the increase of abdominal pressure that is yet to come; that is, labor and delivery. Taking steps to relieve the pressure and ease the inflammation can eliminate the threat of complications in the future.

So what can go wrong with untreated hemorrhoids? What are the possible complications?

Thrombosis: This means that an external hemorrhoid has developed a clot. (There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: internal hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and cannot be seen without a medical instrument. External hemorrhoids occur around the anus and are visible.)
Strangulation: In this case, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid has been cut off. This situation requires immediate medical intervention.
Gangrene: This is death of tissue and can result from an untreated strangulated hernia.
Septicemia: This is a generalized blood infection which can result if gangrene develops.
GI bleeding: If blood appears in the stool, the physician will want to determine where it is coming from. There is a continuous passage between the mouth and the anus. Therefore, it is not safe to assume that blood in the stool is from irritated hemorrhoids. (If the blood is bright red rather than dark or even black, it is an indication that its source is near the anus.) Hemorrhoids, even irritated ones, do not usually bleed enough to cause significant loss; still, blood in the stool is serious and needs to be investigated.)
Anemia: If blood loss is significant and goes on for a long period of time it is possible to become somewhat anemic. This is a rare event but is included to examine what could happen if a hemorrhoids are ignored.
Tenesmus: This is a sensation that the bowel is not empty. It can occur with hemorrhoids and it can occur with pregnancy. Therefore, if you feel that your bowel is never fully empty, consult with your doctor to ensure that there is not a hidden cause for this symptom.
Constipation: This is a significant cause of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids often develop or worsen during pregnancy because of extra weight, hormonal changes, and increased abdominal pressure. This creates a case of "the worse it gets, the worse it gets". Symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy must be addressed lest the constipation worsen, causing the hemorrhoids to worsen, and on and on.
Infection: A condition called pruritus ani may develop on the skin surrounding the anus. This occurs as a result of inadequate cleansing of the anus after a bowel movement because of tenderness.

Now for a little perspective. The purpose of this article was exactly as stated: to explain possible complications from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The vast majority of pregnant ladies with hemorrhoids do not develop any of these complications. In fact, the major complication you will experience is the pain, itching, burning, and bleeding associated with your hemorrhoids and the reduction of your quality of life during this time. Don't let it be! Deal with your hemorrhoids!

Do you want to learn more about getting rid of your hemorrhoids? If so, download my brand new free e-book "Getting Rid of Hemorrhoids" here

Sue Bristol, R.N.

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The Most Probable Cause of Hemorrhoids

Millions of people globally are affected by the painful and sore condition of hemorrhoids. The condition is not life threatening but the pain this condition inflicts is severe. Most cases of this condition are found in industrialized countries. In order to understand the severity of external hemorrhoids one should study the roots of hemorrhoid cause. If unchecked this health condition can become worse creating a possibility of surgery.

Vast research on hemorrhoids has led to the conclusion that the high pressure on the veins in the anus and rectal part is the root cause of this severe health condition. The pressure on the veins can be inflicted through many kinds of situations most of which we know but don't care to bother resulting in worsening the condition. The situations leading to hemorrhoids include the following:

1. Overweight / Obesity:

Obesity or being overweight is among the leading factors contributing to this health condition. Leading an inactive lifestyle causes obesity. The lifestyle without exercise and fitness training, along with the intake of junk and oily food causes a person to overweight. This causes extreme pressure on the abdominal region of the body which further results in the stress on the veins in the anus and rectal regions. People who have "desk jobs" and don't move around much are putting themselves at high risk and becoming more prone to hemorrhoids. The conditions become severe if a person continues to live a lazy and inactive life.

2. Lifting heavy objects:

Hemorrhoid cause includes the lifting of heavy objects. Mostly jobs at construction sites and other heavy lifting jobs that require manual labor can lead to hemorrhoids. Other reasons for this condition are strenuous sports which include, weight lifting, riding bicycles, aerobics and other related sports. The reason why these sports are considered to be an element leading to hemorrhoids is that they exert great deal of pressure on the veins in the anus. This stress on the veins leads to hemorrhoids. This doesn't mean that a person stops exercising, only avoid the frequent participation in such sports and provide time gaps during the sports. This is helpful in reducing the severity of this health problem.

3. Pregnancy and the process of delivery (Childbirth):

Hemorrhoid cause also includes the intense process of pushing during childbirth. During this process the female exerts a high pressure; this causes extreme stress on the veins in the anal region which in turn result in this health problem. Also in some cases pregnancy also causes hemorrhoids. When the female is in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, her abdomen region exerts more pressure on the anal region which leads to this health condition. Although it is a temporary condition but sometimes this health condition may become severe if proper measures are not taken.

This hemorrhoid cause depends upon the nature of the body. Through research it has been found that some women experience hemorrhoids only during their first pregnancy while others have to deal with the pain of hemorrhoids during all their pregnancies. The nature of the body is solely responsible for this interesting phenomenon. If the body is able to deal with stress more effectively the condition of hemorrhoids is avoided. Although pregnancy is a temporary cause of hemorrhoids, it can be treated with natural herbs under a doctor's supervision.

4. Cleaning too much after defecation:

Cleaning the rectal region and anus after defecation is important. The area should be cleaned gently as the slightest pressure can lead to hemorrhoids in sensitive people. The stress on the veins due to the pressure may result in irritation and swelling. Using baby wipes can control the condition from aggravating in sensitive people.

The practice of cleaning the anal region "too hard" and "too long" causes severe problems for people who are already suffering from this condition. This may worsen the health condition. The most likely solution in such cases is the practice of gentle wiping using soaked/damp cloth and unscented tissue papers. In cases when people are already suffering the hemorrhoids, use of hemorrhoid cream under the doctor's advice can help in soothing the irritation and swelling in the anal region.

5. Anal sexual activities:

Another major hemorrhoid cause is the anal sexual activity which worsens the situation if these activities are continuous. Anal sex is an unnatural sexual activity and may cause many problems including hemorrhoids. This sexual activity many cause extreme stress on the veins in the rectal region and cause severe pain. People who already are suffering from the hemorrhoid condition should avoid anal sex at all costs because this can aggravate the current condition and may lead to surgery.

6. Straining above limit:

A leading hemorrhoid cause is the straining during the bowel movement which leads to a high stress level on the veins. Straining is the immediate cause of constipation. Constipation may occur due to variety of reasons including low intake of fibers and fluids. This can be easily fixed by taking in diet rich in fibers. The fiber rich food includes vegetables and fruits. These fiber rich diets and other natural remedies can help in evading the problem of constipation. Straining can also occur due to the wrong and inappropriate toilet positions. The refined food and a high level of meat in diet can cause difficulty in bowel movement. This would increase pressure on the veins in the anal region causing inflammation.

The natural way of defecation is the squatting position. The modern toilets have seats which prevent this kind of natural method of defecation. This is the reason why people in third world countries have a minute number of cases of hemorrhoids as compared to a large number in industrialized countries.

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What to Do About Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

One of the most unique physiologiocal conditions in human beings is pregnancy. The feeling of carrying a fetus for nine months and expecting the baby's smooth delivery at the gestation period is no doubt a wonderful one. However, it is also well known that pregnancy is not always a bed of roses as there is always one health challenge or the other. One of these is hemorrhoid.

Normally, a person is said to have hemorrhoids when the blood vessels around the anus and rectal area become swollen or dilated. A pregnant woman has a much higher probability of coming down with this condition. This is simply because of the fact that during pregnancy, the amount of blood that flows around the body is increased in quantity and the blood vessels become easily congested thus leading to hemorrhoids. As a result, all the nauseating effects of the condition follow and these include pain (especially in the anal canal), burning sensation and pruritus (itching) which can be very unbearable and disturbing. We should not forget the fact that pregnancy itself is enough burden on its own and having hemorrhoids with it is definitely not the wish of any heavy and expectant mother. The discomfort of both conditions is both imagined than experienced.

However, there are steps and measures taken to adequately take care of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and cope with the ill effects that come with it. It is important to know that these steps will only be of benefit to the expectant mother as long as she is ready to follow them to the letter. The first important thing to do is to reduce constipation to the barest minimum. A very good way to ensure that this is done is to consume diets that contain a high proportion of fiber. Also, the pregnant woman must prevent straining during the process of defecating as this puts undue pressure on the rectal veins thus leading to hemorrhoids. Another way to tackle this is to take stool-softening agents. In addition to all these, the woman should ensure that adequate amounts of fluids are consumed. Another very important step is to do kegel exercises. These exercises were particularly designed to help strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. Also, ensure that the area of hemorrhoids is always kept clean and dry. With all these steps and measures, hemorrhoids can be effectively handled, even in pregnancy.

If you want to know more about hemorrhoids and effective ways to treat it, please visit my blog You can find a variety of solutions about hemorrhoids and you will know how to treat hemorrhoids naturally.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Creambath Untuk Anak-Anak

Sudah bolehkan anak umur 5.5 tahun di creambath?

creambath anakTanya:

Anakku umurnya 5,5 tahun, sudah boleh di creambath belum ya? Maksudku bahaya tidak kalau dipijit-pijit kepalanya. Seandainya di olesi saja obat creambathnya di kulit kepalanya, obat creambath-nya ada yang khusus tidak buat anak-anak? [RM]


Anakku yang kecentilan gara-gara menemaniku, terus lihat anak kecil di creambath besok-besoknya minta, ya sudah aku ajak saja, di salon Itje, aku pakaikan cream yang natural, lidah buaya terus aku pesan, jangan dipijat, di olesi dan dielus-elus saja tidak usah di steam. Kalau di Itje ada lho kemben khusus anak-anak [DRS]

Kalau anakku lagi senang pakai lidah buaya, sebetulnya di halamanku ada tapi kurus-kurus jadi aku beli yang di hero. Lumayan murah untuk yang sebesar tanganku. Potong-potong, cuci bersih terus belah dua, nah dimasing-masing belahannya itu diiris-iris lagi biar lendirnya keluar. Kemudian olehkan di kepala anakku sambil dielus-elus, terasa creambath dia. Paling setengah jam sudah kering, tinggal di keramasi biasa. O iya bu, kalau di simpan di kulkas, sebelum dipakaikan di kepala, biarkan dulu kira-kira 15 menit (setelah diiris-iris) biasanya lendirnya akan lebih banyak. Kalau membuat ramuan seledri bagaimana ya? [NMY]

Aku sudah menyerah rasanya kasih anakku ramu-ramuan rambut tradisional maupun yang hair lotion, tidak ada pengaruhnya, rambutnya masih pirang, sudah dicoba pakai minyak kemiri dari kemiri asli. Lidah buaya, urang-aring dari pohon urang-aring sampai seledri. Adakah ramuan lain yang menebalkan dan menghitamkan rambut anak? [Rn]

Mbak Rn, kalau aku pakaikan anakku minyak cem-ceman mustika ratu 2 hari sekali sebelum mandi sore. Habis sudah putus asa rambutnya sedikit sekali dari bayi umur 40 hari, dibotak sampai sekarang belum banyak juga. Sudah segala macam dicoba, tidak tahu ya apa memang sudah waktunya tumbuh atau bagaimana. Sudah sebulan pakai rambut anakku agak kelihatan banya dan hitam, tadinya tipis dan sedikit. Aku juga tidak tahu ini boleh tidak buat anak kecil, anakku tidak ada keluhan apapun, di coba saja mbak [Ln]

Kalau anakku itu coba creambath (bukan creambath sebenarnya) di salon purrel. Jadi memang khusus anak-anak. Gara-gara rambut anakku terasa rada kasar karena lagi sering-seringnya berenang. Habis di creambath itu jadi agak halus dan gampang disisir (sebelum rada-rada gimbal, mungkin karena efek kaporit ya..) Sekarang anakku sering aku pakaikan conditioner sunsil biar lembut dan gampang disisir. [Gt]

Terima kasih ya, bu. Sekarang aku jadi tidak taku lagi untuk bawa anakku ke salon untuk creambath, yang penting dari cream yang natural (seperti lidah buaya) dan creamnya di olesi saja ke kulit kapala tidak usah di steam [RM]

10-01-2006 23:05:58

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