Sunday, October 23, 2011

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Of Hemorrhoids

If you have pain and itching in the rectal area it is highly likely that you have hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are inflamed blood vessels in the tissues of the anus and rectum; when they are so swollen that they protrude from the anus they are called external hemorrhoids. Many people have internal hemorrhoids and aren't even aware of them because they have no symptoms and are painless. Normally the first indication that they may have them is when they see blood on their stool.

The symptoms of external hemorrhoids are nearly impossible to ignore. The itching and pain can be embarrassing if you are in public and irritating even in the privacy of your home. They can affect the way you do your job and your social life. Going to the bathroom can be a dreaded experience when you suffer from hemorrhoids.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

*Constipation, or straining to move your bowels, puts tremendous pressure on the blood vessels surrounding the rectum. This causes them to swell and sometimes burst.

*Unfortunately, heredity plays a part in whether someone will develop hemorrhoids. If a relative has this condition, chances are good that you, too, are predisposed to hemorrhoids.

*Pregnancy is also a cause of hemorrhoids. Because the uterus is carrying a considerable weight, small as the baby is, the pressure it exerts on the lower abdomen can cause hemorrhoids.

Relieving the Symptoms

Hemorrhoids are not hopeless, however. There are a lot of ways to sooth the pain and itching in the rectal area and many of them don't require a prescription.

Here are some natural ways to help relieve hemorrhoids and avoid invasive surgery or harsh chemical remedies. You can get these treatments over the counter in any drug store and they are very effective.

*Softer bowels exert less pressure on the blood vessels in your rectum-if you increase the amount of water you drink and eat more high fiber foods (or take supplements) you'll have softer stools and less irritation to your hemorrhoids. You'll also enjoy better digestion and all-around health!

*Warm baths are very soothing to hemorrhoids and reduce the swelling, too.

*Exercise benefits us in many ways, including relief of hemorrhoids. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles interfere with digestion and can make us constipated, causing or aggravating hemorrhoids. A brisk daily walk around the block or some aerobic exercise at home can bring a lot of relief to hemorrhoid sufferers!

*You can also get relief from non-prescription, natural products and supplements available from health stores or drug stores.

Hem-Relief is one of the most popular of natural, over the counter hemorrhoid remedies. Once taken orally, it makes its way through the bloodstream to strengthen and heal blood vessels both inside and out.

By combining natural ingredients such as organically grown products, Hem-Relief is safer than the harsh chemicals pushed by the pharmaceutical industry. It is safe, gentle and free of side effects.

Thousands of people suffer in silence with the symptoms of hemorrhoids but you don't have to be one of them! With all the effective natural remedies on the market today, there is no need for you to put up with the pain, itching and embarrassment of hemorrhoids.

Rita Melendez suffered with Hemorrhoids for more than 20 years before she found a lasting cure. To find out what she discovered... and how Hem-Relief combined with some simple home remedies cured her hemorrhoids for good, Visit Rita's blog Hem Relief & Cure. Watch the video and you'll also receive a $39.95 value Alternative Digestive Remedies for Free.

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