Friday, October 21, 2011

Leucoderma Treatment and Best and Safe Medicines for Leucoderma

Venpdai (leucoderma), white skin, this skin Arnjan an acquired condition, which is mainly due to lack of synthesis of melanin is Twcharnjk. 18 types of skin diseases in ancient proven Wa?r Mid described. Yugi Chintamani 800, an ancient treatise Venpdai proven Asnsrgaj the infection, non-fatal, but is described as a fierce ugly face.

Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, which engages in developing a medicine to counter the disease state. Central Research Institute (Siddha), Chennai, detailed in the Clinical Trial, many botanical and herbal - mineral osdyogon been.

You have very little information, the stubborn disease patient Pidit much HP, so I'm writing the generic medicine. Noting that it is the older more stubborn disease is.

The first course of sour and salt of such items should be avoided. As long as medicine is moving

Eat plain, meat, fish, egg, wine, etc. avoids.

Upasna and vow to keep the sun god every Sunday.

Shashilekha equity 250 min. Kg.

125 mm Udayadity juice. Kg.
Psoralea corylifolia oil 2 stud
Adha honey spoons
This is a volume in the morning to evening.

Psoralea corylifolia Chuarn 100 g in 1 liter of tea catechu. In all it should baking so that it becomes like jelly, with its 1 spoons take these drugs early evening.

To identify -
Find Tutth Ashcyotn _ and half hour for affected place golden sun in the morning
Affected location will have a couple of days Ffole Gomutr them in the wort and Gunja Chuarn fruit to grinding paste.

Leucoderma patch may start as a small white colored almost milky patch which keeps on increasing in varying size and shapes. Patches are usually uniform in colour with well demarcated edges because of peripheral hyperchromia. It may occur anywhere on the body or all over the body but still the commonest sites are around lips, on cheeks, bilaterally distributed on legs, hands, fingers, chest or back around the eyes and even on the head.

?single white strand of hair could be the first sign of vitiligo on the scalp. Few patients have these patches around or over the joints like elbow, knee etc.

Most of the times people get scared of any white patch on the body and fear it to be leucoderma, but any and every white patch is not of leucoderma they can be because of Liver disorders, Worms ,Taenia infection, Calcium deficiency Injury or burns spots or even Leprosy. As such patient of leucoderma does not have any problem or symptoms like Itching, Pain, Discharge etc. whatsoever but still the patient seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.

Leucoderma is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches. In this distressful but not contagious disease, there is a gradual loss of pigment called melanin from the dermal layers that results into white patches. Leucoderma may begin with a small patch but slowly and steadily spreads throughout the body. The actual cause is still not known though several studies have been conducted on the subject. Some of the perceived causes are emotional stress, hereditary factors, worms, sunburns and physical illness.

What causes Leucoderma is still not known. Despite advanced research, medicine is still trying to figure out the exact cause of Leucoderma. There are numerous theories as to what could cause this disease. To-date three theories have been widely accepted. The first theory is one of mistaken identity states that the immune system mistakes the pigment cells for foreign bodies and destroys them. The second theory says that certain chemical agents destroy the pigment generating cells.

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