Friday, October 21, 2011

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - The True Dangers Revealed

Hemorrhoids are a condition in which there is some swelling of veins in the anus. Women who are pregnant are susceptible to hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to having an increase of blood flow and blood pressure at the lower part of their bodies.

While hemorrhoids are usually seen more often in women who have experienced this condition before, women who have not had hemorrhoids during pregnancy are just as susceptible, especially in situations where they have not prevented such problems. Hemorrhoids will show up during the actual birthing process, however hemorrhoids during pregnancy is know to disappear very shortly after they have had the child. Even though this is true, it is important to keep in mind that hemorrhoids can return at anytime and become far worse condition.

For most pregnant women, the most common trigger for their hemorrhoids is constipation. With the straining of constipation, where it is hard to pass stools, it is likely to cause her to have hemorrhoids. This is especially so for women who are pregnant more than those who are not, because pregnant women have added pressure to their veins.

You will be able to find the signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy by noticing the blood in your stools, itching on your anus, blood in the toilet paper, skin protruding out of your anus, and pain experienced during bowel movement and while you are sitting down.

The most important thing to remember when confronted with the possibility of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to avoid them rather than looking for ways for curing them. There are some useful ideas to prevent having hemorrhoids during pregnancy such as increasing water intake, increasing fiber levels in your diet, not lifting heavy items, do 20 minutes or more of exercise every day (particularly walking) and avoid standing or sitting for a long time.

Remember also that hemorrhoids are painful. Useful tips for pain relief are:

o Several times everyday you will want to soak your anus by sitting in warm water

o Use ice on your anus a few times a day

o After completing bowel movements be sure your anus is very clean ( use soft toilet paper)

Pain Relief is important, but it is more to treat the actual problem than just treating the symptoms of the condition. Using the proper treatments will treat the condition of hemorrhoids. Cure for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are gels, creams, surgery, suppositories and natural remedies.

Choosing the right treatment for hemorrhoid during pregnancy depends on how severe you have them. Some people who have the severe forms of hemorrhoid may have surgery; others may only need natural treatments.

To find out more about hemorrhoids during pregnancy and how you can overcome it or avoid it altogether, visit the website link listed below.

Heather-Jane Hunter is an ex sufferer of hemorrhoids who now dedicates her life to helping other sufferers of hemorrhoids. Find out more information about Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy by visiting today.

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